Commentary on the Judgment of the Supreme Court of Justice of Mexico that Recognizes the Alleged Right to Interrupt Pregnancy

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Mexico’s Supreme Court of Justice has ruled that the Mexican constitution contains the right of women to terminate pregnancy within a short period of conception. This comment shows that the decision has no basis either in the Mexican constitution or in international human rights treaties, and that it starts from a deficient perception of the reality of what the human embryo is, which leads to the unfounded conclusion that as long as it does not reach a certain age it can be treated as a thing or an animal.

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How to Cite
Adame Goddard, J. (2023). Commentary on the Judgment of the Supreme Court of Justice of Mexico that Recognizes the Alleged Right to Interrupt Pregnancy. Cuestiones Constitucionales Revista Mexicana De Derecho Constitucional, (48), 419–436.
Comentarios Jurisprudenciales


SCJN (2016). Tesis 1a./J. 37/2016 (10a.). Gaceta del Semanario Judicial de la Federación. T II.

SCJN (2021). Acción de inconstitucionalidad. Expediente 148/2017. Disponible en: