The Nayarit 2021 Electoral Process: Progress, Experiences And Challenges

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Irina Graciela Cervantes Bravo
Aldo Rafael Medina García


Within the framework of the 2021 electoral process, the state of Nayarit held elections for its governor, 30 congressional representatives, 20 municipal presidencies, 20 municipal legal representatives (síndicos) and 197 town councils. This, in an unprecedented context derived from the COVID-19 health emergency. This process yielded important lessons and advances in the democratic consolidation of the state.
The text studies the electoral results, highlighting mainly citizen participation, parity in the Congress and City Councils, alternation in the different elections, gender political violence and affirmative actions designed to ensure that minority groups were able to fully exercise their political rights.

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How to Cite
Cervantes Bravo, I. G., & Medina García, A. R. (2023). The Nayarit 2021 Electoral Process: Progress, Experiences And Challenges. Revista Mexicana De Derecho Electoral, 1(19-20), 209–234.
Estudios monográficos


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