Elections in Tamaulipas in Times of Covid-19 Pandemic: the 2020-2021 Electoral Process and the Role of the Local Electoral Institute

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María de los Ángeles Quintero Rentería
José Miguel Cabrales Lucio


Each electoral process is different; it is therefore important to analyze the 2021 local process, particularly its organization in the context of a sanitary emergency. During this process 541 public positions were elected in the state of Tamaulipas, which translates into 43 municipal presidencies, 57 municipal legal representatives (síndicos), 405 councilors by absolute majority and proportional representation, 22 deputies by absolute majority and 14 deputies by proportional representation.
This text focuses on analyzing the different stages of the electoral process such as the preparation of the election, Election Day and the results thereof, highlighting the importance of the state’s electoral sanction regime, as well as the right to gender equality as a guiding principle of the elections.

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How to Cite
Quintero Rentería, M. de los Ángeles, & Cabrales Lucio, J. M. (2023). Elections in Tamaulipas in Times of Covid-19 Pandemic: the 2020-2021 Electoral Process and the Role of the Local Electoral Institute. Revista Mexicana De Derecho Electoral, 1(19-20), 349–369. https://doi.org/10.22201/iij.24487910e.2021.19-20.18357
Estudios monográficos


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