Convergence or Divergence of the International Instruments on coordination of the Systems of Social Security in the European and Ibero-American Union

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Daniela Zavando Cerda
Laura Gómez Urquijo


This article is part of the study of the International Coordination Instruments of the Social Security systems in force in the European and American context. For this purpose, the research will be based on a comparative methodology of the European Union Regulations - Regulation 883/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Coordination of Social Security Systems, and its Application Regulation 987/2009 - Contrasting them with the Ibero-American Agreement on Social Security and its respective Application Agreement. The objective of this study is to deepen their knowledge to reveal the aspects in which they coincide and the points in which they differ, analyzing their similarities and differences. For this, a selection of relevant criteria has been chosen that will be analyzed in order to draft both regulatory bodies. Finally, the results of this study will demonstrate the importance of articulating integrating mechanisms to guarantee respect for the rights of migrant workers and their families, regardless of the country in which they have worked.

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How to Cite
Zavando Cerda, D., & Gómez Urquijo, L. (2023). Convergence or Divergence of the International Instruments on coordination of the Systems of Social Security in the European and Ibero-American Union. Revista Latinoamericana De Derecho Social, 1(36), 75–105.


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