The Life and Philosophical Context of H. L. A. Hart

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Francisco M. Mora Sifuentes


This work has two aims: to sketch a biography of H. L. A. Hart and to reconstruct the cultural and philosophical context in which his thought developed. The first part provides the most relevant data of his biography: his participation in intelligence services during World War II. Subsequently, the work addresses the British philosophical landscape of the early twentieth century, when the so-called anti-idealist revolt took place, and when modern analytic philosophy was born. It is there, more precisely, in the stream of ordinary language philosophy headed by J. L. Austin, where the background of Hart’s philosophical method can be found. I conclude with some testimonies of Hart to illustrate the above-mentioned claims and propose some topics for further research.

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How to Cite
Mora Sifuentes, F. M. (2019). The Life and Philosophical Context of H. L. A. Hart. Problema. Anuario De Filosofía Y Teoría Del Derecho, 1(13), 273–319.
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