The Citizenship Rights of Veracruz’s Roosters

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The aim of this paper is to show that Mexico is leading the current trend of recognizing non-human animals as subjects of rights by acknowledging them citizenship rights. In the paper it is argued that a recent resolution by Mexico’s Supreme Court regarding a local legislation must be interpreted as conceding citizenship rights to the non-human animals living in the state where that legislation applies. The paper starts by discussing the context in which the relevant law was discussed and approved, and the judiciary actions taken against it. Then, it discusses the analysis and resolution carried out by the Supreme Court of the rights involved and the dynamics among them, the paper also includes a defense of this resolution. Furthermore, the paper argues that the protections established by this resolution must be interpreted, according to the contemporary academic theories regarding citizenship and animal rights, as rights and that these rights must also be interpreted as citizenship rights. The paper ends by replying to some objections and drawing some general conclusions.

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How to Cite
Reyes, L. D. (2023). The Citizenship Rights of Veracruz’s Roosters. Problema. Anuario De Filosofía Y Teoría Del Derecho, 1(17).
Discusión. Ciudadanía: la legalidad y moralidad de la inclusión y la exclusión


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