¿Son internacionales los derechos fundamentales? Estudio sobre la validez, protección y exigibilidad extraterritorial de los derechos constitucionales

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Carlos Manuel Rosales


The rights have diverse variables for his application, two of them are: the force and the territory. But what happens with the constitutional laws of the persons when they are located abroad, they must be protected from the same way when one resides in the country or out of the same one, or perhaps these diminish. This work analyzes the validity, the recoverableness and the limits of the fundamental rights of the persons out of the country.

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How to Cite
Rosales, C. M. (2019). ¿Son internacionales los derechos fundamentales? Estudio sobre la validez, protección y exigibilidad extraterritorial de los derechos constitucionales. Reforma Judicial. Revista Mexicana De Justicia, 1(34), 65–88. https://doi.org/10.22201/iij.24487929e.2019.34.14188
La Justicia desde un Enfoque Comparativo