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Global Politics


This article is about the great changes that have happened in recent years in international politics as well as the challenges that these thorough transformations imply. Some examples of great significance are the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989), the attack on the New York World Trade Center’s twin towers and the Pentagon (2001), and the crash of Wall Street (2008). These are historical events that have had practical and theoretical repercussions for different humanistic disciplines like political science, law and international studies. The author’s purpose is to analyze both practically and theoretically the new paradigms of global politics. The impact of globalization on Latin America is given special attention. The author concludes by presenting some alternatives in order to resolve the dilemmas posed by globalization.

Globalization, democracy, neorealism, populism, terrorism, third way, neoliberalism, national State, cosmopolitism


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How to Cite
Fernández Santillán, J. (2013). Global Politics. Mexican Law Review, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.1016/S1870-0578(16)30028-2


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