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How Mexican Principals Deal with Teacher Underperformance: A Study of How Public Middle School Principals in Mexico City Manage Underperforming Teachers


This study, based on thirty-eight interviews of principals from public middle schools in Mexico City, analyzes the criteria and methods used by these school officials to identify underperforming teachers, as well as how they wield discretionary authority. The study also proposes several measures that can be implemented by educational authorities to improve how these cases are handled. These measures include improving both principals’ training and the mechanisms used to evaluate teacher performance in the classroom.

Teacher underperformance, teacher performance, middle schools, Mexico, principals, educational administration, school administration, public schools, Mexico City


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How to Cite
Silva Méndez, J. L. (2013). How Mexican Principals Deal with Teacher Underperformance: A Study of How Public Middle School Principals in Mexico City Manage Underperforming Teachers. Mexican Law Review, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.1016/S1870-0578(16)30029-4


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